Make a Donation


The Lab Fund started as an impromptu rescue mission, taking on the remnants of Londons last independent Cine Film Lab (pre i-Daillies), Film & Photo Ltd that closed in 2015.

Our aim is to refurbish and restore the equipment to perfect working condition so we can offer services not currently offered in the UK for Analog Film-Makers.

If you can help out with a donation or even technical expertise we and the wider community would be very grateful!

THE refurb process

With manuals in short supply, the refurb process is mainly trial and error and involves dis-assembling and refurbishing rollers, bearings, springs, electrics and motors. Upgrading components where able to modern tech is also our goal!

the ultimate goal

The ultimate goal for all this equipment is to make it available to YOU the community through sessions / workshops, residencies, tutorials, low-cost commercial rentals / services and more!

Lab Fund (£k)

how we use funds

All internal labour is volunteer - so where do the funds go? Well we need diagnostic and repair equipment in addition to electrical / engineering services for safety etc. Not to mention 3-phase power to test and run some of these!

can you help?

Any donation amount helps us move that little bit closer to getting the machines fully refurbished and available for use, so if you can spare the change, do consider supporting the cause! We also welcome all volunteer services!


Super8Ukraine Processor

Unit #1, this was the precursor processor to those now used by Gauge Film (UK), Rewind Photo (AU) and Libash Milano (IT) to name a few!

Arri MiniPrint 16/35

The ‘directors’ desktop optical printer for convenient 16/35 blow ups and reductions, rarest of rare these days!

Kodak Video Color Analyzer

Before Davinci Resolve, film was graded on a VCA, output to a punch-tape that was then used in the Contact Printing Process! Wow!

Bell & Howell Model C’s

The workhorse contact printer of the motion picture industry, responsible for making all the prints distributed to cinema’s before digital!

Provost Editing Table

No lab is complete without an editing desk! This Provost was top-notch back in the day with magnetic and optical sound heads!

Other misc. equipment

Wet-gate pumps, silver-recovery unit, copious Kodak filters, lenses, motors, projectors, camera magazines and more!

Takita 16/35 Step Printer

Shoot on 35mm, distribute on 16mm! Optical printers like these were responsible for reducing down / blowing up prints between formats!

Cameras galore!

We have a truly incredible mix of old multi-format cameras including Mitchell, Acme, Neilson-Hordell, Westrex and Oxberry cameras!

Oxberry 20-OP

The legendary optical printer that before going digital was responsible for putting the magic into movies, think Star Wars space battles!